Celebrating America

“A Joyful Commemoration” 36″ x 48″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – $6,000

I grew up in a very patriotic America, where each classroom hung a flag and we stood and pledged allegiance to it each morning. We were grateful that our country had survived a devastating war and worked hard to strengthen it again. This is the America that I celebrate and believe in, in spite of hourly newscasts exploding with people screaming at each other, protesting and dividing our nation.

The strength of our country is in the Americans who don’t make the news – young families who home school their children, plant beautiful gardens and chat with their neighbors. The majority of America is made up of loving families who raise their children, care for their elderly parents and celebrate their Fourth of July with enthusiasm and waving of flags.

With hopeful optimism, I have created an early commemoration painting to celebrate America’s 250th birthday in 2026. I’m also praying that America will have regained its strength and dignity by then.

Please click on my website link to view recent paintings as well as links to my galleries and Pomegranate products.