Painting for a Better Tomorrow

Shimmering Vines_edited-2

“Shimmering Vines”  36″ x 48″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – $4,700

Remnants of Autumn_edited-2

“Remnants of Autumn”  36″ x 48″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – $4,500

The paintings above have recently been juried in to the Portland Art Museum Rental/Sales Gallery for their spring show.  The show itself is on hold until the time when “sheltering in place” is over.

It is a difficult time for everyone and even though all of my galleries are currently closed, my art mentors, gallery directors and designers are contacting artists to cheer them on and encourage them to keep working.

My actual days are no different from before – I painted several hours a day then and continue to do so.  It is my mental attitude which is giving me trouble.  It is hard to stay inspired after listening to all of the horrible statistics of illness and death and the dire predictions for the future.  The audio books I used to listen to as I paint seem so trivial compared to real life that I can’t listen to them.  I can only listen to the most cheerful music as I paint.

A sad and desperate scenario keeps wiggling itself into my mind until I consciously set my thoughts on a more positive path.  That is to create the most cheerful paintings I can for a better tomorrow.  When that tomorrow arrives, the paintings will be ready!

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