Celebrating Moments of Joy

“A Glow of Springtime” 40″ x 40″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – $5,000

Along with the rest of the world, I have become horrified and depressed over atrocities and tragic events that keep getting worse by the day. Adding to world and national bad news has also been sadness over deteriorating health of some friends and family. My spirits have been so low that I even started to find painting a drudgery, rather than the usual joy.

I knew that I needed to get harmony back in my life and regain my usual positive attitude and optimism, but couldn’t understand how to do it.

“A Blessing of Ginkgos” 36″ x 48″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – $5,000

Fortunately, as usual, Nature provided the answer. One morning I looked out the window and saw new green leaves growing on the bare branches of our vine maple trees and a surge of joy lifted my spirits. This always happens to me when new blossoms appear or colors change on the leaves when I view our yard.

“Ornamental Plum Trees” 36″ x 48″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – $5,000

With these moments of joy and inspiration, I have been able to get back to creating bright and cheerful paintings. Anticipating the spring blossoms, I started a new painting of cherry trees and I’m enjoying the progress. There is no way I can change what is going on in the world, but I can at least uplift my spirits and cheer others with my paintings.

These paintings are in the current inventory of the Portland Art Museum Rental/Sales Gallery.

Please click on my website link to view more paintings as well as links to my galleries and Pomegranate products.

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