Changing Seasons With Paint

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“Seasonal Changes” 40″ x 60″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – $6,000

Winter months have always been hard for me when our vine maple trees are bare, the blossoms of all of the hydrangea bushes spent and the rain is beating on my studio skylights.  I consciously change my mood by playing cheerful music as I paint a variety of spring flowers, so at the moment, my studio is bursting with color.

I just completed another cherry blossom tree, have nearly finished a field of sunflowers, am well into a hydrangea painting and have a lily composition developing in my head for the next painting.

I’m also looking forward to spring when all of the irises and tulips start to bloom from the nearly 400 bulbs my daughter just planted in our yard to inspire me.  Until then, I start each day watching a half hour of flower videos on You Tube to bring color into my life before I start to paint.

The painting above is one of my series of “Wine Country” paintings and is my attempt to illustrate several seasons of growth of grapevines, including the bare and sculptural, twisting trunks.  I’m taking a break from painting more grapevines until after I complete several more paintings in my “Shimmering Garden” series, so there will be even more blossoms to cheer me in the studio until spring.

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