A Passion for Poppies

“Summer Garden” 36″ x 48″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – $4,800

“A Splash of Summer” 36″ x 48″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – $4,700

I paint a lot of plants in our yard and enjoy all of them, but the one plant that continues to inspire me year after year is the poppy in several varieties. I have painted them alone or combined with other flowers in a garden scene, and I always have another composition in mind, painting one or two of them a year. I delight in their floppy blossoms, their spindly stems and spiky leaves and they constantly cheer me. I’m currently finishing an Oriental poppy painting and planning one that will have at least five different varieties and colors.

Here are some of my recent paintings as well as a watercolor I painted several years ago. Both “A Splash of Summer” and “Summer Garden” are currently at the Portland Art Museum Rental/Sales Gallery.

“Shimmering Poppy Garden” 36″ x 48″ oil and metal leaf on canvas – SOLD

“Poppy Garden” 29″ x 41″ watercolor = SOLD

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